
I'm Having an Art Giveaway

 A lot of you who come here, may come because they like my art.  Well, I'm holding a giveaway, open to everyone.  It's simple, you add the Amazon Universal Wishlist plug in to your browser and add one of my items to your wishlist.  Then share your wishlist with your friends and family.  Send me the link where you posted it (blog, Facebook, Twitter, wherever) so I know about it.

GillianIvy's Universal Wishlist Giveaway!

This is a limited time artwork I am offering, an ACEO sized metallic print of my Artist Trading Card "Sea Witch", featuring my gel pen styles combined with bleach printing technique.  The gel pens look amazing on the metallic print, much like the original artwork did.  There are seven chances to win, plus top 3 winners also receive an original artwork painting which I am designing specifically for this contest.  I'll ship internationally as well.  The contest ends April 1st (April Fool's Day because I'm silly like that).  I currently only have one entrant, if I only get seven, then all seven will win!

Thanks everyone who has offered me supportive comments and let me know how much they enjoy my artwork here and on DeviantART and Etsy.  It means a lot to me, as I really like creating art for you guys.  Anytime you have a special request of something in my DeviantART gallery that you would like simized, send me a request.  If it's not a commissioned/exclusive artwork, I will gladly share it with the Sims 3 community at large.

I may be making a Sims 3 portrait of the artwork available in this contest, so keep an eye out.  I know I hinted at new items soon, but I wasn't quite happy with them and need to give them some fine tuning and good screenshots before I present them here.

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